Kids books

Hansel and the 20-year-lasting stomachache

Hansel and Gretel get lost in El Hueco, a street market in the center of Medellin, Colombia. And after a monumental feast, they get in big trouble.

About the project

Year after year, the Medellin Book and Culture Festival publishes Antioquian adaptations of classics of world literature. As an invitation to read, these little yellow booklets are distributed to families attending the festival. In 2014, it was the turn of Hansel and Gretel. The story is told by an adult Hansel, who has become a renowned writer with severe heart problems. This appbook includes fun interactions that help kids learn about the parts of the body and the unique cultural moments in the daily lives of the people of Medellin.

Original title
Hansel y el dolor de estómago que duró veinte años
Original title
Hansel y el dolor de estómago que duró veinte años
Digital book
Medellin Book and Culture Festival
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Juan David Vélez Gómez

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