Indigenous languages

Armadillo Legs, Mouse Teeth

Lullabies, tales, and games from rural Colombia
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About the project

Armadillo Legs, Mouse Teeth introduces the lullabies, tales, songs, riddles, tongue twisters, and games that rural families in Colombia share with their kids. With fun interactions and animations, this appbook highlights the traditions and ways of life in different contexts of the Colombian countryside, as well as the deep connection they hold across words, music, beliefs, and their land.

This appbook is part of the series With Differential Approach launched in 2014 by Fundalectura and the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF) ⎯ whose goal is to celebrate Colombia’s cultural diversity by bringing us closer to the melodies, songs, stories, and games that kids in rural, indigenous, Afro-descendant, and gypsy homes grow up with, featured in their native languages and in Spanish, and with beautiful illustrations by prominent Colombian artists.

Original title
Patas de armadillo, dientes de ratón
Original title
Patas de armadillo, dientes de ratón
Digital book
Heading 5

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Alberto Aljure Lis
María Fernanda Mantilla

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