
Amado Nervo: El Fantasma Soy Yo

This app is a journey through the life and work of Mexican poet Amado Nervo.

About the project

Amado Nervo is one of the most important Mexican poets of the 19th century. Known for his introspective and reflective character, Nervo’s poetry primarily focused on themes of love, spirituality, and the human experience. He also wrote essays, stories, and novels and served as the Mexican Ambassador to Argentina and Uruguay until his death in 1919. His works continue to be popular and widely studied in Latin American literature.

The app El Fantasma Soy Yo offers a complete overview of his life and work. It includes a selection of his poems, essays, chronicles, and letters, featuring video commentary, expert notes, an embedded RAE dictionary, a timeline, images, 3D objects, spherical photos, and unedited documents.

Curated by Gustavo Jiménez Aguirre, the app includes the extraordinary texts La Última Guerra, read by Juan Villoro, Fotografía Espirita in the voice of Rosa Beltrán, and the section El Fantasma Soy Yo, a collection of Nervo’s darkest poems, in the voices of Guillermo Sheridan and Rocío Cerón. Additionally, the app includes Nervo's travel chronicles in New York, London, Mexico City, Mazatlan, Rome, Basel, and Paris, and the section Interpretations and Correspondences, where his poetry is accompanied by drawings from Julio Ruelas and Roberto Montenegro.

El Fantasma Soy Yo is part of an app series launched in 2011 by Mexico's Ministry of Culture featuring the life and work of celebrated Mexican poets, including Octavio Paz, José Gorostiza, Amado Nervo, Jorge Cuesta, and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz ⎯ whose goal is to imagine new ways to bring literature closer to new generations through digital technologies.

Original title
El Fantasma Soy Yo
Original title
El Fantasma Soy Yo
Amado Nervo

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