
Meta Expo Michoacán

Ludic Galleries of Ch’anani and Tr’eñe

Meta Exposición México en su cultura © 2015 Dirección General de Culturas Populares, Indígenas y Urbanas de la Secretaría de Cultura

About the project

Meta Expo Michoacán, Mexico in its culture is an exhibition that presents the cultural diversity of Mexico and the state of Michoacán. It showcases different historical, geographical, touristic, and social aspects that highlight the rich heritage of Mexico.

For this project, Manuvo designed and developed interactive modules for 42-inch multitouch screens that enrich the visit to this permanent exhibition displayed at the Bicentennial Sports Park in Morelia, Michoacán.

Original title
Meta Expo Michoacán "México en su cultura"
Original title
Meta Expo Michoacán "México en su cultura"
Interactive display
Conservación Fractal
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