
The San Carlos Bastion

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About the project

The San Carlos Bastion, situated in the city of San Francisco de Campeche, Campeche, Mexico, is a place of historical significance that dates back to the 17th century. It was established in 1676 by Governor Pedro Fernández de Angulo and named in honor of King Carlos II of Spain. Currently, it houses the Museo de la Ciudad (City Museum), which provides a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of the city over the years.

The museum's extensive collection includes furniture, weaponry, sculptures, and reproductions of historical maps and artifacts. For this project, Manuvo created interactive modules for 42-inch multitouch screens and a playful app for tablets that enrich the visitor's experience.

Original title
Baluarte San Carlos
Original title
Baluarte San Carlos
Interactive display
Estudio Museográfico
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